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Senator Balkema’s Weekly Update: Feb. 10

New Lawsuit Seeks to End Governor Pritzker’s Harmful Sanctuary Policies With the U.S. Department of Justice’s filing a lawsuit against the City of Chicago, the


Senator Balkema Statement on DOJ Lawsuit

SPRINGFIELD, IL- Senator Chris Balkema (R- Channahon), released the following statement regarding the United States Department of Justice’s lawsuit against Illinois: “The safety of Illinois families


Senator Balkema’s Weekly Update: Feb. 3

Senator Balkema Files Senate Joint Resolution to Celebrate 100 Years of Route 66 Winding through the heart of Illinois’ 53rd Senate District, Route 66 has


Free Museum Pass Request

State Senator Chris Balkema would like to invite anyone traveling to the Chicagoland area, the option to reserve his free, “Constituent Education Resource Card.” The


Senator Balkema’s Weekly Update: Jan. 27

Republicans Committed to Advancing Legislative Agenda to Help Illinoisans As lawmakers return to the Capitol this week for the first time since the January 8 Inauguration

Chris Balkema

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